Close Every Sales Call - Blog

Testimonials are Powerful!
2024-04-18 09:19 Invest in Yourself -- Purchase Close Every Sales Call on Amazon Today   Testimonials are Powerful!        Leveraging testimonials emerges as a powerful tool in a salesperson's arsenal to effective...
Something for Nothing is NOT Nothing
2024-02-13 07:44 Invest in Yourself -- Purchase Close Every Sales Call on Amazon Today   Something for Nothing is NOT Nothing        The "Something for Nothing" tactic is a strategic approach aimed at sweetening t...
Call Tracking Software Doesn't Work...
2024-02-11 11:47 What a Way to Destroy the Creative Sales Process!
Respect Everyone and They Will Respect You!
2024-02-10 10:03 Invest in Yourself -- Purchase Close Every Sales Call on Amazon Today!   Respect Everyone and They Will Respect You!        A fundamental principle emphasized in my book is the importance of maint...
The Truth
2023-02-23 08:56   Invest in Yourself -- Purchase Close Every Sales Call on Amazon Today!   The Truth Really Will Set You Free   Hopefully you have a product that you believe in.  I can testify that if you are tr...