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The Truth Really Will Set You Free
Hopefully you have a product that you believe in. I can testify that if you are trying to sell an inferior product you have your work cut out for you. It is harder to represent something that isn't as good as a replacement for what your client is using now. It opens the door to making things sound better than they really are.
The difference between a Professional Salesperson and a Professional Snake Oil Salesman is the truth. If you believe in your products it will show to the client. Enthusiasm is hard to fake. Since salespeople make a lot of sales calls, typically they do get good at being upbeat about their products. Who would want to buy from someone that is negative or not excited about the products they represent? Keeping all the lies straight with your clients will be impossible and eventually you would be caught in a lie. At that point you won't sell anything to anyone.
If you are forcing yourself to be upbeat about a product that is substandard or inferior and if you are a good person at heart, that will begin to eat away at how you feel about yourself and your profession. Eventually it can make you feel like sales is not for you.
If you find yourself in this position, it's time to find a new home. Great companies need great salespeople. It won't be as hard as you think to represent a great product. You will find that the truth will set you free to reach for the stars when it comes to performance. If you sell long enough, you will need to find your way to blue skies. Give yourself every chance to succeed and the odds go way up.