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Establishing Needs
When you walk in the door to a prospective client, that potential customer will be thinking they don’t have any needs. It's your job as a salesperson to figure out why your products will be good for them and how they may fit what they do. It could be obvious.
When I was with MCI Telecommunications, we were in the business of trying to pry the business away from ATT. Even though we were generally 12 to 14% cheaper than ATT, we tried never to sell price. While we were cheaper than ATT, Sprint was 12% cheaper than us. If they bought on price, it wouldn’t be long before they switched from us to Sprint for the same reason.
Long distance service in those days was expensive for all companies. We had National accounts that were spending more than a million dollars a month! Companies were certainly connected via the phone lines but they also connected through computers and servers. Everything was interconnected.
We had a new network that was based on technology. As Branch Manager, if we had a huge client or prospect – I would often make arrangements for them to tour our massive high tech facility in a Cleveland suburb. The tour would demonstrate how tech savvy we were. It was a wonderful proof statement for the business. (Chapter 7!)
We talked about redundancy and the need for backups. Our network was built with that in mind. We would show them how redundancy in our network would guarantee that they always received the highest quality.
We were interested in securing the business but we wanted every client to understand why MCI was the way to go. ATT was everywhere using old transmission services and we were new and high tech. Companies that switched to us - were saving money, and upgrading their networks at the same time. We did everything we could to impress on our potential clients that they needed to worry about high quality and that their communications were important. We established that they neededa strong foundation of quality before all else. Once they were convinced that our products were better, the sale was much easier to close and protect.
Establish what the prospect company needs before all else. Ask 5W/H questions - as explained in my book. Understand what your prospect does, and how they might use your products. Do some research before you go in the door.
Usually, you will only get one shot at it. If you just start pitching products and expecting the client to understand why – they won’t make the connection. You will be shown the door, not welcomed back, and worst of all, you wasted your selling time and opportunity!
Prove you can improve their process, program, or save them time and money and you are in!
CLOSE the Sale!