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Pitching on the Phone
Pitching on the phone is an important skill to master. You could be working to set up your schedule or introduce a new product and secure face-to-face sales calls. Keep in mind that face-to-face calls are the most effective and the most costly.
Lets assume you have a new product that needs to be launched and sold.
Be logical and smart about your approach:
1) Assemble the list of clients you want to present the product to. Remember the 80-20 rule. 80% fo your business comes from 20% of your clients. Most new business will be add on business from companies and clients you know and have a relationship with.
2) Think through your talking points for the new product launch. Use the 5W/H Process of Dimensionalization to completely understand what your product is, what it can do, its benefits for your clients and why they should buy or take advantage.
3) Flash rank the list of people you want to call MOST opportunity to LEAST and seperate them by who needs to be seen face-to-face and who needs to be sold over the phone. That should give you 2 lists.
4) Invert both lists! You want to call those with the least opportunity that can be sold over the phone first and leading to those that can be sold over the phone last.
Make all the early mistakes on clients with the least amount of opportunity. After your first phone call - Critique! (5W/H)
- What made sense to them? What was not presented correctly? What did you say that you didn't need to say and what did you say that really had impact? How d d they react? Did you get a buying signal? What could you have .............. etc. etc.
Learn on the first few calls. Make improvements to your approach and make your second call.
Wash and repeat - working your way toward those you need to sell but don't want to see if you can avoid it. Face-to-Face calls are expensive.
Close all that you can!
Get to work on your second list. These are people you need to see as a matter of course or you think the opportunity is so great you need the Face-to-Face contact. (Perhaps you need to sell them some other products in the process)
Work once again from the bottom up. This time you are only closing on an appointment. You bait the hook and explain just enough to peak their interest and get a buying signal on an appointment.
Have your schedule in front of you and have an idea when you would like to see them before you make the call. It will be easier to flex if they can't see you when you want to see them and easier for you fit them into a future date and time.
If they just want to buy - take the order! Be prepared!! That can and will happen. Don't be caught off guard and always have a second reason in your pocket for making an appointment to see them. You will sell more Face-to-Face and it is much easier.
Good Selling!!