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So you are a Manager... Keep your hand in and Manage an Account!!
Most sales managers when asked will admit that they miss the one thing they used to do all the time - Sell! It doesn't have to be all or nothing. In most cases great sales managers, were once even greater salespeople. Why would any organization want to bench their best players.
Assuming you don't have an organization where managers have an account or two. To start the transition process identify the client you need to cover and work with the salesperson that owns it to insure they are not damaged by losing the account. Most great salespeople see things in terms of $$. If you make sure they are not hurt by such a decision most salespeople won't care.
You might need to be creative. Perhaps you make joint calls to the client for a year before you transition the account. During that time you help the salesperson grow their territory to earn a like client. You can also pay double commissions for the some time frame. Remember you can not be seen as taking something from your salesperson. If it is viewed that way, it could do more damage than good. Plan out (with the salesperson involved) Don't make decisions in a vaccuum and without thinking through the impact.
If you were to make joint calls, that sets the stage for the manager to step back if need be and have the salesperson step in. Having at least one account as a manager, (not just sales managers) can do a lot of good inside of an organization.
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