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How is Sales at a Trade Show Different?
Following up on a recent Blog question regarding Trade Shows, I thought it would be a great idea to discuss how Trade Show Sales is different from working day to day in your territory. Over the years I have had so many people interested in Trades Show exhibiting and shy away saying, "we plan to walk the show and see what we think and maybe next time". So Wrong!!!!
A Trade Show will ALWAYS be productive IF you approach it with the right mind set. You as a salesperson will make all of the difference. As a trade show organizer for many years I watched people spend thousands to set up a booth and then when the show opened they sat in the back of their booth looking at their computers and looking about as unavailable as possible. IF some attendee was brave enough to walk in their booth they certainly were not prepared to sell them. They were one and done exhibitors. They would be the clients I had that would no doubt talk down the show and refuse to exhibit in the future.
They did nothing to help themselves. I always wondered what their expectation was. Set up a booth and orders would just fall onto the tables without any effort put forth?
At the other end of the spectrum we had exhibitors that thought through the attendee experience in their booth. They would make their space inviting and attractive. Their products would be presented in a way that would spur discussion and interest. Not just a logo and a desk...
Here are my top 10 things that make or break a Trade Show Booth
Work as a team. If a client walks in and perhaps is located in your colleagues territory, sell them anyway!! Don't put them off or encourage them to come back - they won't. Get the sale and hand it to your colleague. Encourage your colleague to do the same for you in return!
Make sure you collect as much information on each prospective client that touches your booth. If they stopped by and showed interest but didn't commit, the clock is running. Don't wait months to follow up. Follow up the next week. Don't let them forget about you!
Trade Shows are terrific opportunities to spark a lot of new business. You will get out of them - what you put in. If you try hard, you will likely have a good experience.
Good Selling!!